Tentang kami

Tugas Anda

  • Measuring Equipment and Manufacturing Equipment: Conducts quality-ensuring measures in form of measurements for semi-finished and finished products by use of high-precision measuring instruments (spectral photometer, refractometer, interferometer, dilatometer). Programs and adjusts devices, record process data and analyses these. Cleans measuring instruments and tools. Prepares test schedules and inspection devices planning. Maintains measuring instruments and ensures adequate service according to prescribed service interval.
  • Glass Measurement: Conducts various measurements and tests at delivered samples of products as well as special audits. Communicates measuring data (actual values) to production.
  • Quality: Ensures the compliance of GLP (Good Laboratory Practices). Monitors the compliance of necessary security measures in analysis laboratory.
  • Documentation: Documents results of machine and process parameters as well as of executed tests in form of protocols, statistics and tables, according to guidelines. Prepares laboratory and test reports. Participates in preparation of process, working and maintenance instructions to ensure proper working processes.
  • Development: Interprets test results, conducts trend analysis, provides analysis data for production for quality management and initiates on this basis improvement and further development of production processes. Provides indications in the context of laboratory and test reports for quality improvement.
  • EHS: Implements the EHS directive in his/her area of responsibility. Operates machines in compliance with permissions. Monitors adherence to legal laws and internal regulations for environment, health & safety and accident prevention.

Profil Anda

  • Laboratory apprenticeship, preferably physics laboratory assistant
  • 2-3 years of occupational experience
  • EDP, English 

Manfaat untuk Anda

Keterbukaan SCHOTT dalam mendukung perkembangan Anda secara lebih lanjut memiliki kelebihan yang sama besarnya dengan keuntungan tambahan yang kami tawarkan. Mulai dari manajemen kesehatan aktif melalui jam kerja yang fleksibel hingga rencana pensiun perusahaan: semuanya disesuaikan dengan tujuan dan kebutuhan Anda. Temukan budaya perusahaan khusus yang setiap orang memiliki peluang untuk mengembangkan seluruh potensi mereka.

Di SCHOTT, Anda dapat merasakan budaya perusahaan unik yang menganggap penting kesetaraan, keberagaman, dan inklusi. Kami tahu: karyawan yang bermotivasi dan berkomitmen adalah prasyarat untuk kesuksesan perusahaan kami.


Berbagai peluang karier; Kantin; Lokakarya pelatihan mutakhir; Parkir Gratis; Pelatihan dan pendidikan lebih lanjut; Pembelajaran situasional; Pengembangan bakat; Sistem keamanan sosial

Hubungi kami

Laboratory Inspector

Segmen Pekerjaan: Inspector, Laboratory, Compliance, Quality Control Inspector, Physics, Quality, Science, Legal